I love household tips and tricks here’s another new favorite: DIY Wrinkle Remover Spray! Because I hate ironing. Or if you don’t have room to pack an iron while traveling this the perfect solution.
Remember a few weeks ago I shared that I will be testing various household tips and tricks that I come across Pinterest to make our MOM LIFE EASIER. Hop over and read my honest opinion policy for this tips and tricks series. Well, when I saw one for making your own wrinkle remover spray I was excited. I hate pulling out the iron especially when it’s for a little 2 year old shirt. Can you tell I really don’t like ironing?
I had the perfect shirt to test this recipe on. My white blouse that always needs ironing. I was a bit afraid to try this on my white shirt since my fabric softener is blue but I did anyways and I am happy to report that there was no blue spray marks left on my shirt and it worked. Please note that there are lots of recipes floating online for this that use a lot more fabric softener so use on a white shirt at your own risk if you don’t follow my recipe.
Wrinkle Remover Solution
- 1/4 cup of vinegar
- 1/4 cup of water
- 3 tbl liquid fabric softener
Lightly spray your article of clothing. Make sure the nozzle is on spray not stream otherwise you will end up with a soaked shirt. I speak from experience.
Then take it from the ends (one side) and air shake it and run your hands over it to flatten out the wrinkles.
The details:
Here’s my shirt before the spray:
As you can tell it definitely needs an iron. You can’t really see but at the bottom it folded over in the dryer and the wrinkles there are hard to undo since it dried folded over.
Here’s the same shirt with the diy wrinkle remover spray:
It definitely did the trick. I didn’t need to pull out the iron! But you can see that where the hem dried folded over was still a little wrinkled.
This will not give your clothes a crisp ironed look it will just remove the wrinkles.
I tried this on cotton shirts and dress and it worked great! I have used it tons since I made it a few weeks ago. I also read that you can spray it on wet clothes and then place it in your dryer and you won’t need dryer sheets. I never tried that but if you do let me know how it works for you.
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