Last year, I got my kids and even my husband really good for April Fools Day. I was so excited that I was able to pull off our Wacky Dinner and before the night was over I got my husband with #14 from below.
Now I’m trying to figure out how to pull one over them this year. They definitely are on guard and have already started asking me about it. I may just do #7 and #12 from the list below but I’m not sure if I will be able to pull it off.
If you’re reading this and have no idea what April Fools means it’s a day where harmless pranks and jokes are played on family and friends. So, be extra cautious of your prankster friends or family on April 1st.
Did you know that not everyone celebrates April Fools’ Day in April? If you’re traveling abroad to a Spanish speaking country you might want to hold off on your pranks until after Christmas, since “dia de los tontos” doesn’t translate well around this time of the year in Latin American countries. In Spain this holiday is called “Dia de los Santos Inocentes” and is celebrated on December 28th. This is “The Feast of the Holy Innocents”.
Mental note to self: Don’t go around pulling pranks on your friends and yelling “Feliz dia de los tontes” in Ecuador this April or I’ll look like the “tonta” as everyone looks at me like I”m crazy.
I love April Fools’ Day, even though I’m a responsible loving mom, the prankster inside of me still resides and is very much alive. So pranking my little familia, bua, ha, ha, ha–is great fun for me.
The school my son used to attend was an international school so when he was in 1st grade he brought brown “e’s” to class and offered them to kids. It took them a while to get it. But he tried, he takes after his mama.
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Kid-Friendly April Fools Pranks
Here are some hilariously harmless April Fools jokes to play on your children, spouse, abuelita (or maybe you should leave grandma out of this) and friends.
1. Ketchup and Mustard prank – This one is so clever. I haven’t tried it but I may just do this one. via All for the Boys
2. Water Bottle Sprinkler – I enjoyed pranking my son’s friend with this one. Take a pin and poke holes around the top of the water bottle. When they drink from it the water will come pouring out of the holes. image via All for the Boys
3. Using face paint or washable marker (not permanent markers) draw a mustache on your victim, ummm I mean your kids while they are sleeping.
4. Stitched Shut – Stitch shut the hems of their pants, sleeves or sock.
5. Numbing gel on the toothbrush.
6. Brown – E’s – This is one of the first pranks we played on our kids. They thought it was hilarious, but since they were still little we did actually give them real brownies. image via Snap Creativity
7. Healthy Cheetos –We have done so many of these pranks and I can tell you first hand they are kid-friendly and they went over well. Open up a bag of Cheetos from the wrong end and fill it with carrots. Glue it back up. image via – Busy Kids Happy Mom
8. Solid Juice – Fill a cup with jello and place a straw in it. Put it out on the table and when your kids come in thirsty from playing, just watch them try to drink it.
9. Glue a coin to the ground and watch people try to take it off.
10. Fake Cake- Take a balloon and square plate or cardboard and tape it. Cover it with frosting and then have someone cut the cake. Watch the excitement!
11. Green Spoiled Milk – This is fabulous especially if you have cartons that you can’t see through. Add dye to the milk and serve it up. My son did this to his little friends while they were playing house. It was hilarious to watch.
12. Salty teeth – Sprinkle salt on toothbrushes or put a little bit of food coloring in the bristles. The boys tried this on my husband but he didn’t even notice.
13. Fake Eggs- Pour vanilla yogurt in a plate and half a peach over it so it looks like sunny side up egg. It would go great with the frozen juice shared above. This was classic and so realistic. I totally got them.
14. Fake Shake – Place mashed potatoes in a cup and add gravy to it and top it with a cherry. Make sure your kids have some sort of treat afterwards so they aren’t crying. I totally got my husband with this one. Some evenings after the boys go to bed he makes himself a shake. This time I offered and he didn’t think anything of it. The whole day had gone by and I still hadn’t gotten him so I thought this is my chance. I filled it with mashed potatoes, crushed some cookies and added candy to it and it was ready. He had no idea and then he took a bite and almost barfed. GOT HIM!
15. Saran Wrap on toilet – This one can be messy but it’s hilarious. I haven’t done this one because the prank will be on me having to clean up the mess. Raise the toilet seat and place saran wrap over the commode put the seat down and when your spouse or children wake up to use the bathroom they will find a surprise.
16. Meatloaf dessert! Make cupcakes from meatloaf and potatoes. This was another awesome one that I laughed so hard as I watched them take a bite into it. See the whole meal here.
17. Moldy sandwiches- I love this prank and it’s so easy. You can also make your own moldy bags.~image via Perpetual Kid and you can also purchase the bags.
18. Gelatin milk – I really want to do this one with some fake cookies for the kids after school.
19. Freeze a bowl of cereal and watch your kid’s reactions. We did this and it was classic as they were confused.
20. Fake Donuts- Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons blog shares her meatloaf in disguise idea. We just bought bagels and added icing to them to fake them out but then let them have donuts.
21. Fake Buffalo Wings– I love this from Party Pinching blog.
22. Fake chili – This one is a lot easier to make if you use pudding. Love it! Also, from the Party Pinching blog.
23. Fake Grilled cheese- I love food pranks if you can’t tell. This is another fun and easy prank. via this blog
24. Fake Ravioli – Another easy and cute food prank. ~via the Party Pinching blog
25. Fake dog poop – You can place this on the toilet seat next to their shoe in the morning… ~via the Kids Craft Room blog
26. Fake poop – Using the recipe from # 25 above we did pranked our kids in the morning. (4/2016) I was trying to figure out how to best use this poop and this was my most creative way. My husband acted like he was mad and called the boys to the bathroom. He then proceeded to interrogate them and asked who did this. Explaining that this was not right. One of our boys was having stomach issues so he even asked him if he couldn’t hold it and did this. You should of seen their faces it was priceless. They were really wondering who did it.
4/2019 This time I used brown slime and placed it on the toilet the night before so when they got up to use the bathroom they would see it. We laid in bed in the morning and laughed so hard as each of them shared their story of how they discovered the fake poop.
27. Shampoo is stuck! – My husband is the hardest to prank, in the past I try to prank him in the evening but by that point he’s very much checking everything so that I don’t get him. So this time I got smart and pranked him in the morning. I covered his shampoo and conditioner with saran wrap. So when he’s trying to get it out it won’t. He got out of the shower and said, “You got me. I kept thinking why has my shampoo hardened that it won’t come out.” (4/2016)
Which prank are you going to play? Oh, the fun in April Fools Day!!!
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