Lately, I have been moved to tears by every little sentimental thing. I haven’t even been watching Hallmark movies. This morning I read about the “Layaway Angels” who paid off people’s lay away accounts, it touched my heart. It reminded me of my childhood Christmas when we were “surprised by joy”!
That particular winter, my dad had the worst of luck. His hours were cut at his job, our car collapsed needing major repairs and to top it off my father chopped his finger off at work.
Christmas was drawing near and there wasn’t a single present under the tree. Even though we were young we knew the harsh reality: this Christmas there would be no gifts. It was hard to not to want a doll when we knew God was already providing a miracle: a roof over our head and bread on the table. In spite of our situation, we did what kids do best, we wished for the impossible. In the previous years, we always got at least one little thing. Christmas Eve arrived and reality set in NO gifts, not even one. Now that I am a parent, I can’t imagine how heart wrenching this was for my parents to not be able to give us a little something.
We had our little celebration and went to bed early, usually we stayed up until midnight and then opened up our gifts, but not this year. Shortly, after going down we hear the doorbell ring. It was Santa! No joke! Mexican Santa, was standing at our door bearing gifts for ME and my brothers! He was tall, thin and with a tan but hey there was no judgement coming from us. My uncle had dressed up like Santa and brought each of us a little something. We didn’t care what it was, how big or how small it was, we were just excited to be holding a gift. This is one of the many ways the Lord has provided for me in my 36 years of life! I am loved!
Do you have a “Surprised by Joy” Christmas Story whether you were the giver or on the receiving end?