Contributing Artist: Kathleen Ang-Dalseno
I misunderstood Proverbs 31 for many years as words meant only for married women.
There were a couple of reasons why I thought this. First of all, it is addressed to a married woman. Secondly, the older ladies from my church in Australia loved quoting this chapter at every bridal shower.
Last year, I read Proverbs 31 again and like never before I was able to see it through a new perspective. Proverbs 31 is not just for wives.
When I put the words on a poster and the image floated around the internet, I realised that these words were ministering to thousands of women everywhere. It has ministered to career women, stay-at-home moms, female students, women battling cancer, strippers looking for a way out . . . . It doesn’t matter in which stage of our lives we are, where we live, what our financial status is, this is what we wish for: strength, dignity, joy and a bright future.