#2 Life Lessons from Photography School
Contributing Photographer: Carla Ackermann
Summer is filled with opportunities to take a lot of great pictures – pictures that will capture memories which we will treasure for a long, long time. We welcome the sunny days that bring out the bathing suits and flip flops!
When trying to produce portraits, however, these same sunny days can produce a lot of shadows. It’s not a problem with the pictures we take of our kids running through the sprinklers, but it can be a problem if you want to get a flattering shot of a child sitting quietly in a field of daisies.
If you find yourself in this situation, just bounce the light!
You can purchase a reflector specifically for that purpose, but why bother?
Just get a cheap piece of white foam core/board and use that instead. The only difference between these two pictures of my friends is the use of a reflector. I just plopped it in the grass in front of the family at about a 45 degree angle. Do you see how it fills in the shadows? Immediately the shadows are gone and they all look so much better. Best of all – it took no more than 10 seconds.
This method can also add light in some low light situations. If you have a small light source, try using your white board to reflect some of that light back onto your subject.
In life, we can help dissipate the shadows in others’ lives.
We can shine light into the dark places in peoples lives and hearts by being reflectors ourselves.
God has placed us here on earth to bounce the light! He is the Light source and we can purposefully reflect His light. Just like in the photos – throw light into the shadows of the lives of others. By allowing God to place us into close proximity to other people, we can show them the glory of God. God’s glory will push back the hard, dark places and scatter His radiance everywhere.
We were designed to be reflectors. Let’s fulfill our purpose and bounce the Light!