This is the perfect little gift for a child, DIY Fishing Game!
I am sure you’ve never done this, but one day I forgot my sons classmate was having a class birthday party. My son had just had a birthday party at school and to my surprise almost every child brought a gift for him so of course, I wasn’t going to send my son to school without a gift.
Honestly, I have forgotten so many times, you would think I would just buy gifts in advance in keep them in the closet. With three kids in school some days, especially holidays I find it overwhelming to keep up with all the notices, request that are coming home from school. Unfortunately, my youngest is the one who gets “neglected” when it comes to school related request.
Well, sometimes as a mama you have to save face so I put on my thinking cap and my super mom cape on and I thought long and hard and this was the perfect little idea, a NO-sew fabric fishing game.
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You can use any pattern for the fish. I just drew mine free-handed but if you’re not comfortable with that just google it and use the simplest one. I didn’t have pillow stuffing for my fish so I just used tissue paper and it worked just fine. If the child is at the age where they are still sticking things in their mouth then you probably should stick with pillow stuffing.
Also, make sure you use a good strong magnet otherwise the little fishies will never get caught and your child will end up frustrated. Don’t ask me how I know that.