I have a love and hate relationship with change. I hate it but at the same time I long for it. I have this inner bell that goes off every time I start getting comfortable and stable and it drives me nuts. I love a fresh start, a new project, a clean crisp page, an unsharpened pencil, a blank canvas, a white wall, the sun rising but I also love a schedule, my to do list, my routine… the sight of these things, makes me giddy.
My hope is to embrace the change with an open mind, thankful heart and willing hands.
So I wanted to share the change that we are embracing in our home this Fall.
1. I will share this one first because it’s one you can relate to most. If you haven’t noticed my e-zine is now a blog-zine. What does this mean? Well, we started as an online magazine but since the beginning I was struggling with it because I am a relational person and my online magazine seemed more like a one stop shop where you come, retrieve and leave. But I wasn’t happy with this so my hope now is to make Inspired by Familia a place where we meet to catch up on all things family and enjoy a hot cup of tea while we learn from each other, encourage one another and laugh together. So, Inspired by Familia will have a more personal component which will be my blog and a flip-page magazine component which is why it’s now a blog-zine.
2. I am so excited about this change, my blog got a makeover! Don’t you just love it! Cerys from Rainy Day Mum worked on it and I absolutely love it!
3. If you haven’t already heard I will be homeschooling this year. I know, I can’t believe I actually just typed that sentence, but it’s true.
4. Most of you already know this but I will share it just in case you missed it, I’m a contributor writer for Babble/Disney and so far I have enjoyed the challenge!
5. Though I am excited about this one, I am also terrified: My husband has a new job position which is more demanding of him mentally, physically and emotionally draining. I am terrified about how it will effect our family life but I’m excited to see my husband excel and find his voice in this new position.
6. Over half of my good friends have moved away in the past couple of years. We live in a transient community so it’s expected but it’s still hard when you live out that reality.
7. As a result of all these lovely changes, I am letting go of lots of commitments and groups I have been a part of.
8. We will not resume with contributors as we have in the past. I thank God for all of the lovely ladies who have joyfully put together some awesome post for Inspired by Familia, I am so glad our paths crossed and blessings on your blogging journey.
As you can see, there are some lovely changes and some challenging changes happening in my life right now as a mom and as a blogger. But in all of it I am trying to stay positive by changing my attitude, praying for wisdom, and staying grateful, as I go down this new adventure!
How do you handle change?
Stay tune for more great articles or you can follow us via your favorite social network to get our updates: Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook and our readers preferred way via email. I can’t wait to enjoy a cup of tea with you!