You want your house to smell like all things Fall? Then you must make this Mulled Apple Cider recipe. The aroma is simply delightful!
Apple Cider vs Apple Juice
I was wondering before making this recipe what the difference is between apple cider and apple juice and this pretty much sums up my research: For the United States there’s really not a difference. They are basically the same, 100% apple juice. Though some manufacturers use processes to clarify the juice which is why it sometimes it looks different from the Apple Cider jugs but they are both the same. Also, many times Apple Cider from the farms is not pasteurized (heat-treated) considered to be a raw apple juice that hasn’t gone through some kind of filtration process.
So here’s the easy and delicious recipe that I will be enjoying this evening with two hour Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, that delicious and easy recipe is here.
Mulled Apple Cider Recipe
- 8 Allspice Berries Pimienta Dulce
- 4 Cinnamon Sticks Canela
- 1 orange thinly sliced ( I didn’t have an orange on hand so I used a mandarin)
- 8 cups of Apple Juice/Cider
- 5 Whole cloves Clavos de Olor
- 2 Anise Stars Anis Estrellado (optional)
- small fresh pineapple in chunks
If you need it to be sweeter add 1/4 cp of brown sugar.
Place all of the ingredients in a large saucepan.
Have it come to a boil.
Then let it simmer for 30 minutes.
You can strain it but I personally placed it all in my teapot and pour it into my cup. I think it looks lovely just they way it is.
Sometimes the allspice berries sneak into the cup, so just scoop them out because you wouldn’t want to bite into that. My kids love it with the fruit in. I usually scoop fruit in their cups and they drink it with as spoon.