One way we can discourage entitlement and make gratitude contagious is with this Thankful Conversation Starters for the Whole Family activity. It’s simple to put together and you can enjoy them any where.
Though it’s hard to be away from our extended family during the holidays, it definitely has pushed me to come up with some of our own little family traditions. This is one of my favorites.
One of the traditions we started four years ago was a gratitude activity that we all participate in (even the little ones) through out the month of November during our dinner time. But you can do it any where like the car, at a restaurant, on a hike or waiting for an appointment. Just print off the cards and stick them in your purse.
For us, dinner is the time that works best. So at dinner we pull out a card from either our Thanksgiving Gratitude Calendar or jar (now that they are old we use the jar) and then we each go around and fill in the blank. I always love hearing what my 2 year old is going to say, he doesn’t totally get what’s going on but we have him participate.
Now my two oldest, excitedly expect certain activities around the holidays and they remind me to pull out our gratitude cards.
Another fun thing you can do with your Gratitude & Thanksgiving Prompts is print them out for your Thanksgiving dinner guest and have each one take a turn answering the prompt during your Thanksgiving gathering or when you host throughout the month.
This will encourage you to cultivate a heart of gratitude and become beauty seekers of all the little blessings around us.
How to Get Your Gratitude & Thanksgiving Prompt Cards
I have made these with much love! You can download these Gratitude & Thanksgiving Jar Prompts for you to enjoy with your family.
And while you’re there checkout all of the other fun things in my shop.
The mini pack contains a variety of fill in the blank prompts for you to enjoy as a family and it also comes with some blank cards so you can make up your own.
Want more ideas?
-Prompts in list form: 21 Days of Gratitude Family Prompts–
-Spanish Gratitude Prompts Click HERE
– Gratitude Prompts with Scripture
printables above were made with Chevron Owl clip art via ~ Teacher’s Gumbo