A Simple and Fun Easter Advent Scavenger Hunt for Kids the whole family will love!
Today is the perfect day for us to begin our Easter Advent countdown, on Palm Sunday! This is a sweet time for our family as we take time each day and remember how much God loves us! But if for some reason you’re getting started late, don’t fret because guess what, it doesn’t matter. We’ve also been known to do it all on Easter weekend!
Because my kiddos are still little I try to weave into our daily remembrance some fun activities. So we are going to have an Easter movie and popcorn family time and then we’ll have the kids kick off their scavenger hunt.
If you don’t have a lot of time to print stuff out you can take a look at our Easter Advent for the Busy Family that’s based on scripture and some simple activities. These Easter story cards are really cute and not only are they focused on Christ but they also weave in some Easter bunny silliness into it all of it.
Feel free to leave out things and adjust to meet the needs of your family.
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Easter Advent Countdown for Kids
Each day you hide an egg. One with the clue and with the scripture passage. If you have more than one child you can have them take turns each day finding the egg. If they aren’t competitive you can have them all try to find the egg and see who finds the egg first. The latter option doesn’t work well with my 3 boys so I have them take turns.
You can do this activity any time of the day but we usually enjoy it after dinner.
What you’ll need:
- Follow the scripture verses below
- plastic eggs each day requires 2 eggs
- treats for eggs (optional)
- Clue cards printable Easter Advent Countdown Scavenger Hunt you’ll need to print it double-sided.
Each day has two eggs. One is the clue egg and the other is the verse egg.
Day #1 Palm Sunday!
Scripture: Matthew 28: 8-9 and/or John 12:12-19 (both passages are of the same account just told by different disciples)
Print the clues and verse from link above or on a sticky note write clue #1 and place it on the Easter egg with #1 written on the outside. It will look a little different if you do this hunt all in one day.
Preparing Clue Egg #1– Place Clue #1 inside. Clue: I’m cold and sometimes I’m freezing or am I just teasing. Where am I?
Then play “hot and cold” to find the clue egg. Tell them if they are hot if they are really close to the hidden egg or tell them they are cold if they are far. I usually tell them the general area first before we start playing.
Verse egg #1: Fill the 2nd egg with a goodie and verse then hide it in the fridge. Once they find it after reading their first clue read the scripture together. Discuss the question and afterward watch an Easter Story video. There are lots of Easter videos out there you can watch. We like this one Youtube or this one which is one of our favorites of the Jesus Storybook Bible. There’s also a veggie tales Easter video.
Day #2 Cleansing the Temple
Scripture: Matthew 21:12-13
Again we started by playing “hot or cold” for them to find the clue egg #2 or just hand them the clue egg.
Preparing Clue Egg #2. Write #2 on the outside of egg then you’ll place clue #2 inside it. You’ll need to cut 7 little pieces of paper and then write each letter of the word BATH TUB on it. If your child can read then draw a tub for them and tear up the pieces so they have to put it together. Place clue inside: UNSCRAMBLE this egg!
Since we have 3 kids we dispersed the 8 little pieces of papers with the letters into 3 eggs and then came together and unscramble it as a team.
Verse Egg #2: Hide the 2nd egg in the bathtub. Place the Day #2 card in it. Read the scripture as a family and discuss it. What are the people doing at the temple? Are they worshipping God? What kind of worship do you think pleases God?
Day #3 Jesus Teaches at the Temple
Scripture: Mark 12: 29-31
You can start by playing “hot or cold” for them to find the clue egg #3 or just hand them the clue egg.
Preparing Clue Egg #3: Clue #3 – “I shake, I rattle and I make your clothes roll.” Place this clue inside the egg.
Verse Egg #3: Hide verse egg in or on the dryer with verse #3 in it and a goodie. Once they find the 3rd egg read the scripture as a family and discuss it. Jesus visits Jerusalem with his parents and then they can’t find him. Do you think Jesus was lost? Discuss how sometimes we are like Jesus’ parents and we leave Jesus behind or forget about him.
Day #4 – A sweet smelling sacrifice.
Scripture: Matthew 26:10-13
You can start by playing “hot or cold” for them to find the clue egg #4 or just hand them the clue egg.
Preparing Clue Egg #4: Place Clue #4 in egg and write clue #4 on the outside of egg. Clue is: “I can talk to you. You can hear me. What am I?”
Verse Egg #4: Hide this egg near your cell phone or house phone. Once they find it read the scripture as a family and discuss it. Mary annoits Jesus with oil. What are others saying about her actions? Do you think she was wasting it as Judas suggested? Mary doesn’t spare any expense to show her love and honor for Jesus.
Day #5 – The Last Supper
Scripture: Matthew 26: 17-30 or Luke 27:7-38
You can start by playing “hot or cold” for them to find the clue egg #5 or just hand them the clue egg.
Preparing Clue Egg #5: Place Clue #5 inside egg #5. Then write clue #5 on the outside of egg. Clue: “You can’t make me but you can taste me.” (hint: You can’t live without me.)
Verse Egg #5: Hide this verse egg #5 near the sink because the answer is water. Once they find it read the scripture as a family and discuss it.
Day #6 Good Friday
Scripture: Luke 23: 26-43
Hide this clue in a tree. Once they find it read the scripture as a family and discuss it.
Clue #6 – I provide you with more than 5,000 products that people use every day. What am I? (hint: I’m outside)
Activity: We did this Cross Activity with our kids and I think this really helped them grasp the message of cross a bit better.
Day #7 Light in the Darkness (Jesus is laid in a tomb)
Scripture: Matthew 27: 57-64
Hide this clue near a lamp. Once they find it read the scripture as a family and discuss it.
Clue #7 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the ____?” (hint: John 14:6)
Day #8 Resurrection Sunday
Scripture: Matthew 28: 1-8
Hide clue #8 in the oven ( just make sure you don’t turn it on until after they find the clue). Once they find it read the scripture as a family and discuss it.
Clue #8 – You will use it this morning to make something hot and sweet. What am I?
And get ready to bake some resurrection rolls to celebrate that Jesus has risen!!! Get the recipe for the resurrection rolls here.
This is a fun Faith-based “You’ve Been Egged! free printable for you to do a random act of kindness to a friend or neighbor! Just click here to get it!
More Easter Ideas:
Fun Spring Food: Carrot Shaped Calzones
Dad’s Easter Stache Basket Printable
Easter Family Activity: DIY Cross
Easter Jokes and Table Conversation Starters Activity