My almost-four-year-old whispered this before I kissed him goodnight, “Jesus, thank you that mama gets to be my teacher.”
Those were the words I needed to hear. I’ve been staring at our homeschool schedule for at least an hour and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. I’m about to embark on a wonderful but challenging road as I set out to homeschool all three of my boys in 4th, 2nd, and preschool. I’m excited and I’m a bit nervous.
I was a preschool teacher before I became a counselor. So I’m pretty excited about my Mommy & Me preschool lesson planning. Each week we will focus on a theme and use it to guide my lessons for that week.
I’ll start off our homeschool day with all the boys together at circle time. This is where I’ll touch on things like days of the week, months, telling time, colors, and shapes, but change it up for each of their academic levels. The fun thing about our circle time is it will be bilingual, every other day I’ll do it in Spanish.
My hope is to teach all of them in one day but with stations throughout our time so I can focus on each child and their specific needs and levels. For example, in World History (Sonlight Curriculum) this coming week the older boys will learn about Archaeologist and other types of people who look for artifacts and my little will look for dinosaur bones. When the older boys are digging for artifacts as archaeologists my little one will be digging for bones as a paleontologist. I’ll have the older boys pick books like Magic Tree House Series: A Dinosaur Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne. You can find them here: Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 and I’ll use preschool books for my little guy like: Dinosaur Starts School by Deborah Allwright
(see the end of post for book ideas).
To make your life easier I made this quick at-a-glance Preschool Calendar (look below to download for free). First I brainstorm themes and then I come up with ideas based on that theme. I research details for specifics on reading, math, and other activities based on that theme.
Pinterest is my homeschool go to resource for activities. So my printables are designed in a similar fashion with a theme, projects you’ll do, books you’ll read, and the letter & number of the week. Of course, if you follow along with our Mommy & Me Preschool you’ll get all the details at the end of the week with my son in action enjoying them.
Here’s the free printable! Preschool Homeschool Calendar
I just LOVE how this Preschool Calendar at a glance turned out! Hope you enjoy it, mine is all filled up for September.
Here’s a peak into this week’s lesson plans. I’ll give you all the details in a later post. So, I’ll be posting after we’ve completed our week. Don’t forget the info. below is just a sneak peek come back on the weekend and get all the details of my son in action learning and what we used.
Mommy & Me Preschool {16 Weeks of Homeschool}
Week 1: Dinosaurs
Books we’ll use:
- Dinosaur Starts School by Deborah Allwright
- Dinosaurumpus by Tony Mitton
- How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
- Little Ones Do! by Sally Anne Lambert
- I Can Draw Dinosaurs by Terry Longhurst – This book is probably for kids who are a bit older but I’m using it more for the shapes they use for drawing the dinosaurs.
Letter & Number of the Week:
Letter A
Number 0
Science/Social Studies – Freeze some dinosaurs in cups of water and have the paleontologist dig them out. Use spray bottles and picks or other tools to “excavate”. It will help them develop their fine motor skills.
- Count how many spikes does the dino have? Color and glue the spikes on a clothespin. Roll the dice and then add the number of spikes to the dino.
- Dino Sequencing Cards (free printable) -Smallest to Largest
- Road Number 0
Gross & Fine Motor Skills Through Art, Music & Movement –
Lots of great Dinosaur activities to get the kids moving and creating here.
- Dinosaur Sensory Play – In a small bin add mud and dinosaurs.
- Make bones from air dry clay and paint them.
- We’ll have our own Dinosaurumpus fun and have them dance to music and move around like a dinosaur.
- Dinosaur prints with paint.
Spanish – All About Me
Part 1 – All about me! My name is… I am _ years old. I like to… I don’t like… How are you?
Buenos dias song video here