Somewhere between our childhood and adulthood we’ve forgotten how to play. It is proven that play helps relieve stress. So, why is it that we don’t carve out play time whether it’s for ourselves or with our kids.
I highly recommend it, my play time means going on a run on Saturday morning. Sitting out in our yard reading a book while I take in the copious amounts of laughter coming from my children as they play pretend or tag. Sometimes it’s copious amounts of arguing, which in no way do I consider the setting for my “play time” but the reality is with three boys this happens. My play time with my kids looks very differently but both my personal play time and my play time with my kids both provide an opportunity to foster a relaxed and playful mood within me.
Our love dare parent challenge #2 for this week is about patience. Carve out some time to play with your kids this weekend.
Did you know that play relieves stress?
Play relieves stress, therefore increases your love and helps you show more patience towards your kids.
Some of us haven’t played in a while so you’re needing some inspiration. I totally get that and I hope these ideas get you out and playing. I personally recommend you take 15 minutes each day to connect with your kids–it doesn’t have to be a game it can be reading a book together or just talking. But if that’s not possible due to your work schedule take the weekend to build in a couple of hours of play with your kids doing some of the following activities below.
If you’re still not convinced, I found this article:
Play is not just essential for kids; it can be an important source of relaxation and stimulation for adults as well. Playing with your romantic partner, co-workers, pets, friends, and children is a sure (and fun) way to fuel your imagination, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and emotional well-being. And actively playing with your kids will not only improve your own mood and well-being, it will make your kids smarter, better adjusted, and less stressed.
Fun play can trigger our brains to release endorphins. What are endorphins you may ask? Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Play + Laughter = relaxation! Now who doesn’t want a bit more fun, relaxation and joy in our home?
Or you may find yourself in the same place I was in last year–just the memory maker. It wasn’t that I didn’t make time to hangout with my kids but for me I was not wildly playing alongside of my kids. I was making sure the activities went out as planned. I was behind the camera taking pictures. But then it hit me and I decided to not just be the memory maker. You can read more about that experience here.
So, let’s start connecting with your kids through play and create a relaxing mood in your home.
15 Ways to Play with Your Kids
1. Play THEIR favorite board game. You can do this at home, outside at the park
2. Go on a bike ride.
3. Play hide and seek–my kids absolutely love this.
4. Play flashlight tag at night.
5. Make Lego Creations.
6. Make an art collage together.
7. Play 4 square if you have more than one child.
8. Go to the park and swing. This can be a really good time to connect with them as you talk and ask questions.
9. Go on a hike.
10. Go on a walk in your neighborhood.
11. Enjoy a scavenger hunt together.
12. Put together a puppet show.
13. Cook dinner together or bake together.
14. Have a dance party–we love fancy parties.
15. Nerf gun war. Another one my kids, keep asking me to do again.
Here’s a list of some our Family Fun Dates and 12 Fall Family Dates.