This Family Activity: Simple New Year’s Goals Printable is fun and helps our kids think about setting goals. When our kids were younger we did this fun craft: New Year Goals for Kids: Wishing Wand.
At the beginning of each year I love pulling out last year’s goals sheet. It’s so fun to see what we wrote at the beginning of the year.
Even if you’re seeing this in March just remember you can always pause, reflect and make goals at any point in the year!
It’s never too late to set goals!
I’m a goal setting person which I partially picked up from my father who always wanted me to lay out a 3 point plan for whatever I was asking permission to do. He wasn’t necessarily a goal setting person but he trained us to think this way.
As a result, I’ve been able to share this value with my family and hopefully it helps them in their future. I’m not sure if they love it but I always try to make it fun.
This fun worksheet I came up with is based on some thing I saw online over at 30 Handmade Days blog. It combines all of the things we like to do at the beginning of the year–pick one word, and set goals! My children need a little bit more guidance so I explain it a bit more on my printable for my kids who are 6, 9 and 12 years old.
I included more information to guide my children. Remember earlier this month I shared our 4 gift idea: something you want, need, share and read? Well it’s similar but different.
Family Activity: Simple New Year’s Goals Printable
I’m loving this simple New Year’s Goals Worksheet with 4 goals. It’s easy and practical.
Start by reminding your kids it is God who establishes our plans!
The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps. proverbs 16:9
As you discuss your goals here are some great verses to read:
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. phillipians 3: 13-14
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Want— In this section you will share something you want to do this year. It doesn’t have to be trying something new but think out of your comfort zone. Like I want to try to smile more. Something you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t made time to be intentional about it. For example, a food, a class, a project, an activity, a trip… This year I want to try________.
- Need— Here you’ll share something you need to learn or acquire but focus more on things like rest, patience, joy or kindness… not stuff. This year I need to ___________.
- Share–Here you’ll write something you want to share with the world, neighborhood, work, school, community… It can be as simple as sharing kindness, or your giftedness like singing, or abilities like baking…
- Succeed – Here you’ll share a specific goal/s you have for yourself. For example, I want to finish painting the dining room and bathroom. Remember to make your goals S.M.A.R.T., see point #4 below for the explanation. For example, I want to succeed at losing 10 pounds by March. I should share something that’s realistic. I want to succeed at training to run a 5k with my family. Or studying harder.
Download your free printable
Go HERE to download your FREE Printable. All you have to do is click on the link and then print it off from your computer or save it to your computer so you can some back to it.
Make it into a Family Activity
We make goal setting a family activity. We don’t do this on New Year’s Eve we usually find a time after to focus on this together.
We all sit at the table and talk about the highlights of our past year and what we are looking forward to doing this coming year.
Start by reminding your children God is in the business of making all things new.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind. One Word for the New Year Family Activity
- Make sure to serve a fun snack for the family to enjoy! We’ve done fondue in the past or serve ice cream.
- Avoid distractions. Meet in your home with the screens off. Outside is fine if there are no distractions like a busy park or noisy area. Also, don’t multitask! That would be me, trying to make dinner while we’re talking. Devote focused time to this one activity. It won’t take longer than 30 minutes but plan on 45 minutes.
- Share highlights. We let everyone in our family take turns sharing the highlights of the past year. It’s my favorite part to hear what they enjoyed this year. It always surprises me to hear the highlights are always things like family experiences not stuff they received.
- Make sure your Goals are SMART this is an acronym that is helpful to remember when you are setting goals. This may be too much to share if your kids are really little but in our home the ages range for tween to kindergartner so I touch on the S.M.A.R.T points–Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound.
- Give everyone time to go through the goals printable and have each person in your family fill it out and then discuss it as a family.
- You can also add a show and tell component to it and have everyone take turns and use a fake microphone to share.
- As a faith based family we always pick out a verse for the year. Our family verse for year was, “We have this hope as an anchor firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19. We end with prayer because we can make all the plans in the world for our year but God directs our paths.
- If your kids are younger take some time to set guidelines at the beginning so they know it’s not okay to laugh at someones goal or dream. We also discuss the importance of listening respectfully and not talking over someone. We remind them to listen when someone is speaking, respect what they have to say and feel free to ask questions.
Your turn!
How do you set goals as a family?
Want more?
Stop by and check out our other New Years Activities: Countdown with Fizz Fun in champagne glasses, New Years Family Reusable Time Capsule Activity with 2 great printable options, New Year’s Balloon Countdown (printable and activities) Here are some other fun post you’ll enjoy: A Fun Way to Teach Table Manners Exploring Nature with Kids Calming Count Box Activity