Contributing Writer: Virginia Davidson
There are times in my life that I can feel overwhelmed with parts of my life story.
I stand whining and complaining and ask “Why God!?” “Why do I have to struggle with anxiety? Why can’t I get over these seemingly simple things I try so hard not to do? Why did I have to go through this pain? How did I get myself into this?” I may never know the answers, but rather than focusing on all of the issues I’ve had in my life I can ask God to enter into my story. Ask Him to redeem it. (In some other words free me, liberate me, rescue me from myself and others.)
I mess up constantly in my attempts to be the good Christian, good wife and good mom. I feel guilty. I find myself believing the thoughts in my head of “you’re not good enough” & “you really messed up this time!” These are lies, but as I make my daily decisions based on these lies rather than God’s truth I create quite a mess.
But God comes to us in the midst of our chaos and sin, forgives and gives new life. This is why we celebrate Easter – the forgiveness & life given to us freely (well, not free – Jesus paid the price).
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Genesis 50:20
Thankfully God redeems – God makes good out of our bad. We see it over and over again in The Bible. (Read the story of Joseph -one of my favs!)
Keeping my eyes on God, seeking Him first and the idea that eternity is what matters helps me in the day-to-day. It’s not about me & my “power.” It’s about surrendering to God and allowing Him to make something beautiful out of my mess!
Some pieces of my story that I’ve found in my time of reflection and prayer (and some verses I’m leaning on)….
Ask God to rescue you, redeem your story. Take some time this week to reflect on your story, what lies you’re believing and allow God to take over your life. Where has God showed up in your story? There’s nothing he doesn’t know & there’s nothing He can’t handle. Write down a list like mine above. ___________ But God ___________.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
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