“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.”
Have you ever sat in the shower crying?
Wondering–what was I thinking?
What did I get into?
How in the world are we going to get through this….?
but at the end all you could manage to mumble out was “God, help us, help me.”
6 8 Real Women Share their Stories…
From all ages and walks of life
The month of February!
Stop on by and be encouraged as they share how God redeemed, is redeeming their story. Nothing is wasted in His eyes!
Whether you’re engaged, been married 50+ years or are a newly wed, these stories Whisper His Name, and will encourage you in your journey!
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We will share a story each week, plus one of our wonderful contributing authors from this series will be giving away one of her books (You will receive instantly, no hassling with postage) to a lucky winner!
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We all need a dose of hope now and then in our marriages, right!