I absolutely love Green crafts. They make me feel good because not only am I being resourceful and creative but I am also “saving the planet” and with this craft it’s NO-SEW my favorite kind of crafts. This recycled craft tote is perfect for organizing your crafty things, toys, Lego pieces, crayons or markers….. The idea came when I was trying to figure out how to make something to store my boys Lego pieces that I was sick of seeing all over our house. I wanted something large, see thru and cheap. Maybe one day I will get around to showing you the Lego Tote but todays recycled tote from a water bottle is for my craft stuff.
Kelley from Casa Turtle invited me to guest post in her series of 365 Days of Making. You need to stop by and see all of her amazing crafts using different type of materials! She asked if I was interested in exploring plastics for my craft. I realized I don’t do much plastic crafting so it was a good challenge.
All of you crafters or for that matter bloggers will get this: I was ecstatic to come up with this original idea! It’s hard to come up with an original idea because even though it’s original in your little world then when you go Google it your bubble is burst.
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What you will need:
- Gallon Water bottle or larger
- Crafting glue (I use liquid silicone glue it’s fabulous)
- Fabric
- Ribbon
1. You will need to decide how high you want the base to be. I wanted a semi-long base so I could my ribbon through the clear plastic. Use a sharpie and cut it using an X-Acto knife.
2. Then cut your fabric to the length you want. Mine was 8 inches long including the hem and it was as wide as the bottle.
3. You will need to glue your hem first before gluing it onto the bottle. So place it flat on a table and glue the bottom part of the hem.
4. Then glue the upper hem where your ribbon will go. I placed the ribbon flat on the fabric and then glued the edge instead of trying to slip the ribbon through.
5. Then you will need to glue the bottom hem around the bottle.
6. Now you can go ahead and glue the edges of the fabric together.
That’s it, you’re done! It took me about 15 minutes to make this beautiful tote. I stuffed mine with my pretty ribbon. I did try sewing the fabric to the bottle but my bottle was too thick so glue was actually a lot easier to work with.
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I love how my tote turned out! It was so easy and I can’t wait to make more.