We love the zoo! And with every trip, our hope is to make the most of our zoo trip experience. Below you will find some free printables you can download and if you’re in Quito you will find the tips to follow helpful here for the Quito Zoo.
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We are going to the zoo with our homeschool group so I made up the printables below with an educational but fun component.
Here are some ideas:
1. You can do a silly Animal Talk game. When you hear the animals “talk” (make a noise), you can come up with a story line for what you think the animal is saying. For example, you hear the bear growl. Then you come up with your story line. The bear says, “He’s ready to go to bed because he was up late stargazing.”
2. Ask for a map of the zoo before you start your journey and then have your child guess what animal your coming to by giving them clues before they arrive. For example, give them clues like, it’s blue and green with a long nose. What do you think it is?
3. Scavenger Hunt:
- Zoo Animals Scavenger Hunt (Habitats) – This can be used for your Spanish animal lessons or just a fun English zoo activity. It can also be used at any zoo. Click here to download: zoo scavenger hunt
- Zoo Photo Scavenger Hunt – For this activity the animal names are written in Spanish and the child needs to identify them and snap a photo when they come across the animal. This printable is especially made for the Quito zoo because the animals on this are the animals you will find here in this region. You may have some of the same animals in your local zoo so take a peek and see: Zoo Photo Scavenger Hunt
- Zoo Animals Scavenger Hunt (with the animal pictures and name) – For this activity your child doesn’t have to necessarily read in Spanish but when you go over it with them you can say the animals in Spanish and have an easy Spanish lesson. To download click here: Zoo Animals Scavenger Hunt with Pictures