Go deeper–is my mantra this year. This year I wanted to focus a bit more on the depth of God’s love for us and help my kids make a deeper connection to that by being a vessel of it. Obviously, this is something I should and try to do all year but this week I wanted to drive this message home. Each day I will share up until Valentine’s day a love note from God and from me with my kids.
For the home:
- Hang a long piece of ribbon from the door and tape 14 blank colored hearts or however long your countdown starts at. So if you’re doing a 7 day countdown you’ll write on each heart 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 on each blank heart and end with one that says Valentine’s Day!
- Then, make a copy of the scripture hearts. (see below for link)
- Then hide one heart for each day. Send your kids on a treasure hunt for God’s love messages.
- Once they find the heart, read the verse together.
- Then clip the scripture heart to the corresponding heart for that day.
The Scripture Hearts
I found these scripture hearts over at Not Consumed when I was looking for ideas for my article over at Disney/Babble on Meaningful Valentines Day Ideas and made 3 copies of them for each of my kids.
The Simple Love Note Countdown
All you need is ribbon and homemade hearts or some fun store bought ones. I bought some glitter ones to add some bling to my countdown but you can just as easily make your own cutout hearts from construction paper, felt or foam.
For more fun Valentine’s day activities both meaningful or just plain crafty go here.
These are my favorites:
V-day Family Tradition – Simple and your kids end up with a keepsake of mom & dads love plus a book.
V-day Scavenger Hunt – We’ve done this for the past years and the kids LOVED it mostly b/c it involved balloons.
For your spouse – Love Notes Frame – Another easy but meaningful idea.