The perfect Easter Activity: You’ve been Egged fun for friends, neighbors, and family who are near and far. I share two options on how to enjoy this with the family that lives far away and those nearby.
Holidays can be hard when you live far away from extended family. Easter is one of those special holidays that I wish my kids could enjoy our traditions together like:
Running around the lush green grass finding and hiding eggs.
Getting all dressed up and sitting on the church pew together in their Sunday best.
Smashing confetti-filled eggs on each others heads.
Well, I can’t change our circumstances but we can definitely be more intentional about reaching out to each other. So I came up with this fun Easter activity that my kids could enjoy making for their cousins and vice versa.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Easter Activity, “You’ve Been Egged” before. Well, below I share with you the traditional way to enjoy the activity and then I share with you our twist on how to do this with your family members who don’t live in the same city, state, country as you do.
You’ve Been Egged! Activity for your neighbors:
Basically, you hide Easter eggs in your neighbor’s yard, you fill their yard up with goody filled eggs. You place a note on their door, ring the doorbell and run. Or you can stand nearby and watch them look for the eggs.
Use the printable link below to download your FREE “You’ve Been Egged!” sheet.
The You’ve Been Egged! fun for family that lives far away
I had fun putting together this post with my sister who lives far away from us. She was working on it with her family at the same time I was working on it with my kids. We each came up with our own way to share our Easter Activity but with the same end goal: To have our kids connect over Easter in spite of the distance.
Make a fun Easter card or buy one and grab some goodies you can mail. Have I told you how much I love cards. Writing and sending letters over snail mail has definitely become a lost art. But I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me and my kids to receive a card or note in the mail.
Attach our free printable “You’ve Been Egged!” to a white paper bag, bunny ears are optional. Get your free printable by clicking here: You’ve been egged place it inside the card and stuff it with as much chocolate eggs or jelly beans you can fit in the envelope.
Finally, place your card of choice and the You’ve Been Egged! sack, inside an envelope and mail it off.
Have fun! I have an “You’ve Been Egged” printable for faith-based families over HERE and it comes in two colors!