My son woke up this morning and jumped into my bed and with a big grin and said, “Guess what, it’s my birthday.” I rolled over in a groggy state of mind and in my smoker (I don’t smoke) morning voice, I replied, “It’s your birthday party not your birthday we already celebrated that last week. So, happy birthday party day to you.” I hated to burst his bubble but this can be so confusing for kids so I wanted to correct him because last week was the day of his birthday breakfast celebration which we do every year.
For the past couple of years, I’ve been buying my boys birthday cakes because my neighbor is an awesome baker. She made us this amazing dinosaur cake a few years ago. Did you take a peek? I told ya, she’s good.
This year it hit me how my little boys are becoming young men. It’s beautiful and sad. But the reality of it got me thinking so I decided to make their birthday cakes again. I made all of their cakes up until a few years ago. I’m normally not sentimental in that way, but for some reason it’s getting to me how big they are getting.
I enjoy making their fun cakes and I’m not sure for how much longer I’ll be able to make it for my 11 and 8 year old boys. So, I made this cake for my little ninja.
I’m a bit rusty, but I think this ninja cake turned out great! Can you tell if it’s fondant or frosting? It’s what I call faux fondant. It’s actually frosting but it’s made to look like it’s fondant.
Ninja Party Fun: Decor, Games and Food
This ninja party was a huge hit with my son. He loved every minute of it! The jumping, kicking and fighting was the perfect party for our little energetic guy and his friends.
My oldest son helped me tons with the games and activities we had planned. We started off our time with tattoos. I’m always surprised at what kids get excited about, but apparently they love tattoos.
My husband put up a laser beam obstacle course for them. Can I just tell you, they kept coming back to this activity after every game we played. It was a huge hit!
Look at their faces, they were loving it! The object of this game was to go through the beams without touching them. Most of the kids touched it at some point, but we just looked away. 🙂
And I couldn’t help myself, the picture below is too funny–and some kids were just doing their own thing (off to the right).
We then started our martial arts training performed by Sensei Tuten. Their Sensei had them practicing all sorts of ninja moves. Look at their faces, they were taking this seriously.
I love this picture!
We also played a ninja balloon game. Again, another simple activity that the kids loved. They all wanted to try several times. The object of the game was to keep the balloon up in the air. We set up two teams and one person from each team would take turns coming up. Once someone dropped it, a new set of team members would come up and compete.
We got all of their wiggles with some laps. This helped them get some energy out before we went inside for some indoor activities.
We had water bottles waiting for them inside. I made the ninja labels on it, hopefully at some point I can get that up here on the blog for you.
Their party favor bags had these cookies inside of them along with plush ninja stress balls and tattoos.
They ended up using the bags for their piñata loot. I also made the tags for the party favor bags.
The kids came inside and worked on their Ninja Names. It was hilarious to see what kind of names they came up with. Another big hit activity that had them rolling on the floor laughing.
Then we had some more friendly competition. The kids were around 7& 8 and for the most part they didn’t mind the friendly competition. We played a chop stick game. I placed the same amount of chips on each bowl and they had to race to eat all of them first with their chopsticks. This would be a fun minute to win it game for a crowd.
We then made some ninja stars from popsicle sticks and once they all had one made, we went outside so they could hit the target. Though this was simple, the kids still needed help so make sure to have another adult around or give your self more time on this activity.
Then it was time for the piñata. I made our piñata but not completely from scratch. Since it’s virtually impossible to get generic non cartoon character piñatas here I bought one and striped off the face and added my dragon to it. I downloaded the coloring page from the web, colored it in and glued it on.
The kids had fun hitting it with a ninja sword.
I think it turned out great! One year I decided not to do a piñata and my kids gave me grief about it so I bought one this time around. They are lots of fun but sometimes it can be a headache trying to organize the kids.
We came inside for cake and they ended up eating it outside inside the laser beam, lol. Told you they loved that activity.
I love that he’s beaming!
Here we are with the birthday boy!
My son had a blast! I’m thankful that everything turned out great. My biggest fear was the cake but it was not just cute, it was moist and delicious.