I started by writing this post as 15 Things Every Mom Should… but I couldn’t stop, so I ended up with 40. There are so many good quotes and verses that I’ve jotted down throughout my life that I didn’t know which ones to pick.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed jotting down quotes I’d hear or read and verses that have impacted me. I’d write them down on napkins, receipts, flyers, journals, notebooks, sheets of paper, index cards, on the back of homework or sticky notes… At this point in my life, I have no idea where most of them are at, though I have a few notepads from college and maybe some from high school stored away somewhere.
It wasn’t until a little over a year ago, I decided to write down verses and quotes that would inspire and encourage my boys. Recently, I decided to collect them in a cute lemon drop design notebook, that I love opening up and writing in. They’re not numbered but I have tons of “notes” jotted down to share with them as do life together. My hope is to create printable art quotes in water color for each of the things I’ve jotted down and an even more loftier dream is one day to include them in a book.
Here’s a few I wanted to share with you and for the rest of them you’ll have to wait to read the book or the printable quote. 🙂
40 Things Every Mom Should Tell Her Son
1. Who you are and what you struggle with should never be confused.
2. The truth will set you free. John 8:32
3. You are braver than you think and stronger than you can ever imagine.
4. Don’t let fear keep you from doing great things for God.
5. Always try to see the good in others but remember they too are human.
6. Know who goes before you, who stands behind you, who walks beside you. Psalms 81:7
7. Love does.
8. No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. ~William Blake
9. Marriage is not easy but it’s worth it.
10. Don’t use any form of electronics when you’re talking with someone.
11. Just because you love her doesn’t mean you need to marry her.
12. Money does not completely satisfy. Ecclesiastes 5:10
13. He holds all things together. Colossians 1:17
14. I will always love you, always.
15. Don’t be a womanizer but don’t’ be afraid to compliment a woman.
16. Learn to look away.
17. Real men have feelings. Remember, Jesus wept.
18. You shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; You need to be able to throw something back. Maya Angelou
19. Change is always possible. For it is God who is at work in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Phil 2:13
20. Don’t focus on what you don’t have otherwise you’ll miss appreciating what’s before you.
21. Be thankful. Psalms 52:9
22. Before you judge someone remember you don’t know their struggles nor the battles they’ve fought.
23. Blow bubbles, play in the rain and build a fort.
24. No one has ever become poor from giving. Anne Frank
25. Learn to accept when you are wrong and apologize.
26. You don’t have to be a friend to everyone, but you do have to treat everyone with respect.
27. If you can’t feed 100 people then feed one. Mother Teresa
28. You are a part of something bigger.
29. Never touch the toilet seat.
30. Don’t be a sore loser.
31. Don’t ask yourself can I live with out her, but can I live with her.
32.If you’re going to break up with your girlfriend do it in person.
33. Don’t date someone you wouldn’t consider marrying.
34. Always make sure you have tools to change a tire, jumper cables and gas.
35. Learn how to appreciate her beauty without lusting.
36. You’re never too old to call mom.
37. Sex is absolutely nothing like the movies, it’s so much better.
38. Read.
39. Be confident in who you are even if still don’t know what that is.
40. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5
Here’s a recent picture of me and my boys!