A few years ago, I was lying in bed after a full day of non-stop going and all I could think was–
Something has gotta give!
But what?
I didn’t know what but I couldn’t continue at this pace any longer.
I couldn’t just stop homeschooling at mid-year, dishes have to be washed, meals have to be made, my writing work needs to continue to bring some extra income, laundry can’t just go undone and the list goes on. I was able to tweak my schedule by organizing it a bit more and I was able to let go of some commitments like extra counseling and mentoring work. I’m a counselor so I stopped seeing extra clients.
It’s interesting how we perceive busyness with our worth. But let’s get ourselves and our family out of that mentality.
Don’t measure your worth by your busyness or the length of your to do list.
So, after asking myself-What can I give up in this season of life? I realized there were only a few things I could let go of. Then, I started asking myself- What can I do to take care of myself in this season? That was a question that could no longer go ignored!
My precious moms, our chest have been the nook of comfort to scared little ones, many a night. Our bodies have carried a child! Stop and say that slowly and out loud–our bodies have carried another human being. Your legs have chased after little ones for an equivalent of a marathon and more.
Our minds have been filled with worry over their safety.
These hands have cooked 100’s of meals, folded 1000’s of piles of laundry, and your arms have held precious little ones til’ you couldn’t anymore.
Moms, our kids need us to be healthy and strong! Because no matter what our society whispers about motherhood, it DOES matter! You do make a difference! So let’s start by taking care of ourselves! I’ve been overly exhausted and burnt out. And I’m here to tell you when I am in the mode I can’t be loving nor caring and much less nurturing.
So please here me out, make time for yourself! Stop feeling guilty about it!
How to Practice Self Care as a Busy Mom
First of all, come up with a morning routine that works for you. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long but 15-20 minutes is a good start. I shared over HERE in detail what I do. If you can’t do this in the morning than find a time in the day that does work for you.
Some of the basics of self-care for me are:
-Focus on the 3 most important things-Mind, Body, and Soul. I split my “me time” into 20 minutes of body care and 20 minutes of mind and soul care and 5 minutes of regrouping before I start my day.
- Schedule it in. Yes, decide that every day from here on out 7:30 a.m. -8:30 a.m. is your time. I have days that I can’t do morning so I’ve scheduled it in my planner for those days to have 1-2p.m. as “me time”. As I mentioned above, it doesn’t have to be in the morning but find a time that works and then do it consistently.
- Eating breakfast, yes, pretty basic but it’s essential and we easily skip over it in the morning rush. Breakfast on the go like a healthy smoothie is a good option. When I don’t eat breakfast, I end up excessively snacking and lack of energy.
- Reading a devotional that fills my mind and soul with inspiration, truth, and motivation. Sometimes I use this time to journal or do Scripture Art.
- Music- I like to play quiet music in the morning while I have “me” time.
- Avoid social media or phone. I can’t focus or concentrate on anything when I begin my day with social media. When I start going through my emails, it usually sucks me in and before I know it I’m doing 50 other things and my mind is stressed out about the 50 other things I have to do. I’m not always good at this but I’m trying to be more intentional about not going on it during–me time.
-Stop believing that “Busy means Productivity.”
-Remember, K.I.S.S. Keep it, Simple Sweetie! Yes, sometimes we try to color coordinate our journaling with cute little notes and colored pens. Or we won’t go exercising until we buy those new yoga pants or tennis shoes. Forget about all of that! Keep it simple! Just do it.
-Exercise. I alternate my exercise routine from Yoga to Walking/running. When I was younger I would exercise to stay fit but now I do it to keep me sane. My heart, mind, and body long for it!
What it looks like for me!
So for me, this is what my “me time” looks like on a regular basis though sometimes I change things up depending on appointments and errands that need to be done that day. I wake up at 6:45 a.m and I get my exercise clothes on and I go downstairs.
Then I get breakfast ready for the kids and play some quiet music. We have a short “Connect with God” time during breakfast before they head to school and work. Once they go about their merry way, I have my “me time”. I make breakfast, heat up my tea kettle and I sit at the table and have my own “Connect with God” time while I eat and listen to quiet music. During my quiet time, I try to alternate, reading a devotional/prayer and mediation, scripture art, and/or journaling. Then I work out, I do a Yoga video or go out and walk/run. Then I’m ready to conquer the dirty dishes, the job deadlines, and the countless meals. Seriously, it makes all the difference!