One of my favorite desserts to make is fruit pizza! This one is made with a decadent chocolatey brownie crust.
Usually a fruit pizza is made with a sugar cookie crust but I’m all about adding a new twist to familiar recipes. If you haven’t made one before I highly recommend it because it’s amazingly delicious and not to mention really easy.
You top it with fruit and you can decorate it however you want. You can use kiwi, mango, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or whatever other fruit you want to add.
This past weekend for 4th of July we made a flag with the strawberries and blueberries.
It turned out just lovely!
This dessert is always a crowd pleaser so I like to make it when I’m asked to bring a dessert to a gathering. It took me about 20 minutes to make b/c the crust is supposed to be thin you don’t bake it for your normal brownie baking time.
Amazing & Easy Fruit Pizza with Brownie Crust
- cream cheese (softened)
- sugar
- brownie box mix
- fruit: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi…
- Make your brownie box mix as directed. Pour the brownie batter about 1/2 an inch thick into a large pan or 2 round cake plates. Because it’s not a thick layer you only need to bake it for about 15 minutes.
- Take your soften cream cheese and mix with the sugar.
- Once your brownies are cool take the soften cream cheese and spread over the top of your brownies.
- Now you’re ready for the fruit. You can make a design or simply lay them over to cover the cream cheese.
- You can eat it right away but I like for my cream cheese to harden some so I refrigerate it for 10-15 minutes.