Arise! Warrior Mamas, raising arrows!
From the beginning of time the father of lies has been trying to convince us that God’s word can’t be trusted.
More often than we wish to confess, we listen to his whispers and we believe the lie that God is not a good father, that we’ve possibly been cheated out of something we deserve.
This thread of fear, pride doubt or worry has been interwoven into our history from the beginning of time with Eve. But we will no longer sit idly allowing it to take over our homes, our parenting, our hearts and our minds.
So this a call from my heart to every mama in the trenches raising children for God’s glory–it’s for you Warrior mama who is raising arrows!
Arise! Warrior Mamas Raising Arrows–Fear Not!
I hear fear beckoning my mama heart, calling softy as I read another article, hear another story and experience another setback. I see it in the faces of other moms in the midst of their parenting struggles slowly dimming their light.
I feel the worry breathing heavily over me in the night trying to lull me into a fear-stricken daze as it robs me of my sleep.
My soul screams, “No more!”
In Him there is life, and that life is the light of all mankind, for you and me. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has NOT overcome it.
Arise! Warrior Mamas, raising arrows, we have nothing to fear!
For greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
I will not tremble. I will not be afraid. Our God is for us, He is a mighty fortress!
Awaken wandering hearts and forgetful minds!
Let’s stop relying on our own understanding or words that promise to give us a formula to better behaving kids or a boost in our confidence.
He is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
His breath gave us His Word so that we may be complete and equipped for EVERY good work.
Yes, even the work of being a mother.
We won’t be lulled to sleep by this culture and the status quo.
We will soak in God’s word, His presence and let it penetrate our heart.
Mamas, let us pray His word out loud. Until it becomes so familiar, it replaces the fear that you’ve battled against.
Let’s teach it to our children so they can also live by every word that comes from the mouth of God and they can learn to fight the lies of the Confuser–God’s enemy.
Warrior moms we will no longer be shaken because we know at the very core of our being God is with us, His rod and staff comfort us.
When the fear of the unknown comes knocking at our door we will call to mind the good work you began, you will finish to the end.
You have called my children by name and they belong to you.
Warrior moms, raising arrows, wake up!
We can’t silently be swept away by every whim and desire posed as the next best thing.
Open your eyes to see that the next best thing is only leading your families, your hearts and your minds into more busyness and stress.
Warrior moms we will no longer walk in fear but in faith!
We will no longer retreat and allow our babies to get their sense of identity and acceptance from the world, social media, the neighbors or peers.
We will boldly speak and live out God’s truth & love, so it drowns out the lies and competing voices.
Warrior mamas the battle is real!
We have to stop fighting like little girls. Grab your sword and start fighting like daughters of the King. Forget your worldly weapons, only God’s mighty weapons knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and destroy lies.
Warrior moms your child needs you to be brave!
Even if they act like they don’t need you, the reality is your children need you to help them fight against the status quo, materialism, the world’s plan for “success”, popularity and the never-ending struggle to keep up with this picture perfect world.
Warrior mamas we do not fight alone in this battle for their hearts, so don’t give up.
Find an older woman whose gone before you. Look for a mama whose on the same journey so you can encourage each other.
But most importantly find Jesus on your knees!
Because He bends down to listen we can boldly proclaim, “I will pray as long as I have breath.” (Psalms 116:2)