What God has taught me through snuggling.

So first I have to confess that I’m not a big snuggler. I will snuggle with my kids and husband but I’m not the person who will come up next to you on the couch and want to snuggle.
But as a mom snuggling is required. So I’ve come to love it.
One of the things all 3 of my boys needed when they were babies and toddlers was morning snuggle time with us before they got going in their day. One child would be completely frazzled if he didn’t get snuggle time with us in the morning before we got going.
We don’t say much at that time we just quietly snuggle. To this day they still all come into my room in the morning and they “snuggle” with me in their own way. I’m rather fond of those briefs moments of stillness I get in the morning to delight in them before the rush of the day hits us or they remember they are teens with attitudes.
As I was pondering this morning routine that I’ve come to love, I wondered if that’s how God feels about us–His children. Does He bask in having me in His arms as I do of my children?
He delights in simply being with us. No fancy words or exuberant sacrifices needed. He simply wants us to draw close to Him and bask in His love.
Maybe that’s what God means by “be still” in Psalms.
“Be still and know that I am God…” Psalms 46:10
So I’ve been practicing enjoying His presence. With no need or pressure for eloquent words or requests. I imagine myself like a child in sheer delight to simply be in His arms and presence.
Reminding myself that He also delights in me.
Usually, I do this by sitting quietly and just thinking about being in His arms, and in His presence. I like to do this in the morning before I get up before bed shortly after my children have come in to “snuggle” with me. Sometimes it’s when I’m exercising on my stationary bike or out for a walk. I like to sit out in my yard and no one is around. I close my eyes and tell Him how happy I am to be here in His presence. Then I let His warmth fill me up without a word. When my mind is having trouble being quiet I whisper breath prayers. Something like, “He delights in me (take a deep breath in) and I delight in Him (take a deep breath out). I repeat that over and over again to get my mind to quiet itself.
What do you think “still” and “know” mean in that verse?