The Fall season exudes all things nature. The earth is draped in lovely hues of red, orange, yellow and brown. Go outside this weekend and enjoy it by going on a nature hunt. I enjoy bringing the outdoors into my home and using it to decorate by making simple crafts with my kids.
My 5 year old loves sticks and rocks. If we would let him, he would fill a treasure chest with just those two things. Some of you know what I am talking about. I constantly find myself saying “that does not go inside the house, that stays outside.” Just the other day he found tons of tree limbs, not little ones, big ones and he pranced right inside with them. Boys will be boys.
Head out for your nature hunt and look for some of the things below for your Tree Frame (don’t worry if your little hunters bring back more than tree limbs and acorns):
- little limbs
- frame
- craft glue
- paint
- felt
- round nut- acorn, walnut, eucalyptus bud, coconut bud
1. Paint your frame.
2. Measure the inside of the frame to figure out the size your tree limbs need to be.
3. Go on a nature hunt with your child. Even if he picks up big tree limbs you can cut it down to the right size.
4. Glue them in the frame.
5. The owl that kind of looks like a bird can easily be made from anything round that your child finds outside. My son actually found a premature coconut bud that had fallen off the palm tree and we used that for our birdie. I was inspired by Curly Birds acorn owl. Little animals with big guys are simply adorable!
Use the felt to make wings, beak and eyes and gently place it on the tree limbs.
What I love about this craft is that the cute little owls make me smile everytime I see them and that I will be able to use my frame year round. The colors I picked could work for any season.