Well, not so fast! While this is true to some extent, you can’t edit away every problem. For example, if the next photo I shoot is of a group of people and I forget to check my settings, the open aperture that I had set for the bottles would leave most of the people in the next photo blurry. That is not something any photo editing program can fix (yet, anyway!). If some pictures, or objects in the pictures, are too dark or too light, you will not be able to edit them well enough to make them beautiful. So what do you do? Think first! The few seconds it takes to stop, think about what you are doing, and adjust the camera for lighting, focus, etc. will save you hours of editing and/or sobs of despair if you can’t remedy the problem. Stopping long enough to think – one of my biggest issues with my photography!
It is also one of my biggest issues in life. Just as I need to work to get things right in-camera, I need to work to get things right in life – thinking first. Speaking or acting without thinking can do a lot of damage. Through the grace of God, we are forgiven by Him and can be forgiven by those we hurt. Yet in our humanity, the damage is done. An ill word spoken can remain in the memory of its receiver for life. Just like the limitations of photo editing, we can’t edit away a lot of the damage. We need to stop, think about what we are doing and adjust our attitudes, our words or our actions. Think first – the pictures in our lives will be much more beautiful!