Welcome to the 6th tip of our Life Lessons from Photography School!
Let me give you a quick recap of what you have missed:
#4 Shooting from Different angles and a different perspective
#5 Working the Blur Technique and Leaning on it
Todays tips is: Clear the Clutter
Contributing Photographer: Carla Ackermann
My son loves to play with his Legos, and I love that he loves it! Being around a mother who is constantly photographing things, he has started to take pictures of every one of his creations. His pictures have slowly gone from okay to much better as I have shown him a few things to look out for. One of those things is to clear the clutter and focus on one thing. In the first picture, his latest master piece is surrounded by Lego pieces – so much so that you can hardly even notice his boats. You really can’t tell what is the main point of the picture or see what is important. In the next picture we cleared away the clutter and set our focus on only one object. Now what is important stands out and it is clear what he wanted to show. The distraction and all that is unnecessary is gone so we can clearly see what is most important.
Oh how often life is full of clutter!
The important things in our lives are just piled up with everything else that is distracting and unnecessary. The clutter can make it difficult to see what our focus is; to see what is most important. If it is difficult for us to see what is important, others looking at our lives certainly won’t be able to! Is running around cleaning the house and putting a fancy meal together important or is sitting down and visiting with our guest? (Mary and Martha anyone?) Is pinning the fifty-sixth craft idea we may never get to more important than reading a book to our child? Is reading our novel more important than reading the bible? Please know that am taking examples from my own life! We need to constantly clear the clutter out of our life’s picture and let only what is important remain.