Household Tips & Tricks from Pinterest has been my little project here on Inspired by Familia! I am always up for a shortcut but only if it works. If you’ve been keeping up with this series this is the 3rd Tip I have tested. I started with:
Sticky Gunk Remover (label printable included)
Today I am sharing the spoon over the pot to prevent boiling over. Does it really work? I have heard and read this lots on the internet and finally was curious enough to try it.
The test: Boiling pasta
Verdict: Not a single spill. It may seem like it’s about to spill over b/c it’s getting all bubbly and stuff but it doesn’t.
UPDATE: 5/16 – After posting this many readers have shared it didn’t work for them. Honestly, I don’t know what the trick is and why it worked for me and not them.
So I will share my experience but know that it didn’t work for some people. It doesn’t matter if you use a metal or wooden spoon but common sense would tell you don’t use a metal spoon. Hmmm, if you really want to know how I discovered this, keep reading.
So you may think I am an idiot after this confession but I thought it had to be a wooden spoon because their was some kind of chemical thing going on with the wood and boiling water. I thought this because I always saw you must use a wooden spoon. But I did try it with a metal spoon and it works just the same the only thing is that is you won’t want to touch it after it’s been sitting over a boiling pot because you may burn yourself hence the reason it says USE A WOODEN SPOON. So it was for practical reasons like you might burn your fingers by touching a hot metal spoon, ha, ha, ha. Yes, I can laugh at myself and no I am not offended that you’re laughing at me, too.
Enjoy! Next in line for testing is Revitalizing my Cookie Sheets does this trick I found really work. Stay tune or