I recently was looking through some stuff and found this Mother’s day interview my son answered back when he was 4 years old. I shared his Mother’s day interview responses and my favorites are #2, #10, #13.
These are my handsome little men! Since I loved this activity so much I wanted my 6 year old to do the interview so I can have one from each of my boys as a keepsake of their silly answers. My youngest is still too little to totally understand the questions so I may wait another year.
So here’s the Mother’s Day Interview activity in printable form so you can join in the fun or if you’re a teacher this would be a lovely little Mother’s day activity for your kids to bring home to mama. If you wanted to get all fancy you could even frame it using popsicle sticks that the kids decorate.
To print just right-click on image and copy and paste into your word document. Enjoy the precious memories!