It’s interesting what my heart and soul gravitates to when I’m searching for something more.
When I’m seeking rest.
When I’m needing to process.
When I’ve found peace, love and comfort and I’m needing to express it.
I’m pulled towards my souls inner craving–no it’s not chocolate. Though some days you can find me curled up with a jar of nutella and a cup of tea.
I begin my hungry stricken search looking for blank canvases. Everything and anything around me has the possibility of becoming my canvas: a piece of fabric, paper, wood, ceramic, a screen, a piece of medal, a bead, words, music (no I don’t create music but I enjoy interpretive dance)… the possibilities are endless.
So I pick up a brush and immediately I’m swept away and before I know it I give birth to my thoughts and fill in my emotions with color.
It’s amazing what a small bottle of vibrant liquid can do for ones soul.
Last night, I was sitting in the dining room answering emails, making phone calls and it ever so quietly called my name. I didn’t even know my soul was crying to create. Sometimes I’m aware but it’s the times that I’m oblivious that hit me with a bang.
This is what I gave birth to after a couple of hours of staring at it from different angles, leaving the room and coming back into the room. All the while trying to find the right colors for my emotions and my whimsical thoughts.
I absolutely love it! My husband accidentally broke my favorite tea mug a few months ago and I haven’t been the same since then. I’d open up the cabinet with all the mugs and stare into it trying to find a replacement but alas, I haven’t been able to find my mug. I even grabbed my sons angry birds mug but that just didn’t do.
DIY Painted Mug
- ceramic paint I use Pebeo as shown in the image above
- paint brush
- mug
I know people have used sharpies and I even have but at some point or another the artwork ends up rubbing right off. I made these fun small salsa bowls and those lasted the longest with my sharpie markers but then after a few months it began to fade.
So here are instructions for your diy painted mug:
- Clean and dry your mug.
- What I like to do is first use a dry erase marker to practice my design and then I wash it and dry it again.
- Once you have an idea of what you’re going to draw grab your paint and enjoy creating.
- Note that with Pebeo paint you can “erase” a mistake. If it’s still wet you can just rub it off but if it has dried you just gently scrape it off.
- Place it in the oven on a cookie sheet when the oven is still cool.
- Then turn it on at 3o0 and let it bake for 30 minutes. Or whatever the instructions tell you for your paint.
- Let it cool in the oven. Don’t take it out or touch it otherwise it will smear.
I only hand wash my handmade artwork dishes and they’ve worked for years.
If you’re lacking inspiration just google something that’s on your mind or google mugs and take a look at what others have done.
Note: if you’re painting something that requires fine lines you may want to invest in their paint pen or use a thin paint brush. Also, not all ceramics are created equal. I usually buy an inexpensive brand and see if it holds up to the heat. I’ve yet to have a piece break on me but it is possible.
The fun thing about these paints is you can even have your own ceramic paint party at home for your girls night out or your child’s party.