When Giving a Little is More Than Enough
Contributing Writer: Jenny Howell
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It was Saturday morning and I was in the middle of the football mom hustle. You’ve been there right?
Those moments when we enter into crazy mom mode.
Getting the family ready, loading the van, cramming items into the diaper bag, and trying to not get stressed is like executing the game winning play.
I am not the best at getting out of the house to sporting events.
In fact, last year we said no to sports and replaced the hustle with some intentional family adventures. Sometimes you just need to step away.
In the midst of the rushing around that morning, my son requested cookie bars for the team. Somehow, we also managed to get those baked and out the door.
Becoming a football mom wasn’t something I desired…but my new role was growing on me.
The comradery of parents raising sons and jumping up and down with other moms, had a way of connecting hearts.
Our team came out with the victory that day and my heart was swollen with pride for my boy. I joined the celebration and delivered the pan of warm cookie bars to the team huddle.
Every last crumb was snatched up in seconds. Out of the corner of my eye, a player came walking over. I figured he was going to ask for more, but I was wrong.
There was no mother prompting him to use his manners and no motive other than a sweet expression of thanks.
“Excuse me ma’am, did you home-bake those cookies? Like in the oven?”
I smiled back and said, “I did! Did you like them?”
“Oh yes, I really liked them. You could make them again if you want too!”
I promised that I would because seriously, who says no to such kindness?
I learned a few beautiful lessons that Saturday.
- So often we forget that we can give our kids enough, if it is given with love.
- Kids appreciate simplicity, especially in a complicated world.
- Going out of our way just a little bit, goes a long way in cultivating worth in the life of a child.
This young boy stole my heart that afternoon because he was so excited about “home-baked”.
On the drive home I wondered if he was raised to be thankful and compliment well or if he really hadn’t tasted home-baked cookies before.
Either way, the chaos in my kitchen that morning made its way to the field and the heart of a young boy was warmed.
He didn’t need everything. Just showing him love in the form of a cookie was enough. Sometimes we forget that we don’t have to give into the snare of not enough. We can give our kids exactly what they need if it is given with love.
As we enter the holiday season of celebrating goodness and giving thanks, lets find simple ways to love. We can resist the temptation to stay busy and over complicate giving.
It’s as simple as home-baked.
Hi, I’m Jenny and I blog over at www.nighthowells.wordpress.com. I am happily Kris’ wife, Momma to 5, and a hopeful believer in Jesus. My heart beats for scenery, ministry, and parenting our tribe!