New Year’s Eve Activity for Kids is how we roll now after 12 years of marriage and three kids. Before kids I was always looking for a fun activity to enjoy with my husband that involved getting all dressed up and dancing. Once we had kids that type of thinking and even desire came to a halt because who has time and energy to go dancing as a mom.
Anyways, here’s a fun way to ring in the new year! I’m having the kids make these and then they can pop them all they want. I tried it with Cheerios and those are awesome for shooting if they want to have a Cheerios popping game after they pop the confetti. I found that using a thicker type of water bottle was best. We used a sports drink water bottle and that worked wonderfully because it didn’t fold in when popping like toilet paper tubes poppers do.
New Year’s Eve Poppers
recycled water bottle
confetti (we used the shiny kind!)
optional: I used decorative shiny washi tape to put around the bottles. It was so easy!
1. Just cut the bottom of a dry bottle off and remove the cap.
2. Then place the balloon over the top of the bottle.
3. This part is important–tie the end of the balloon. I didn’t at first and all of the confetti was slipping through.
4. Then place the confetti inside the bottle and pull the end of the balloon.
Pop away! You can place marshmallows or Cheerios inside.