In my opinion Acts of Love are the best gifts you can give. You are going to love this Valentine’s Day Family Activity Acts of Love Coupons and all the fun that comes with it.
I prefer gifts that tell me that you actually thought about me and considered my likes and desires when purchasing a gift. Or that you spent time making me something. And even better, spending time with you and sharing life over coffee. Those are gifts I enjoy receiving. When we first got married my husband liked to purchase extravagant and expensive gifts for me. I always ended up returning them because I prefer the gift of time, service and conversation any day than an expensive $200 bracelet.
I have three boys and I want them to know that:
- Love is not expressed with expensive extravagant gifts.
- Valentines day is not just about boyfriends and girlfriends.
- That our time and service can also be gifts of love that we share with each other.
I shared my heart behind this last year here in this post.
Valentine’s Day Family Activity: Acts of Love Coupons
How this works: You can do this as a countdown a few days prior to Valentine’s day or on the day of V-day.
- Print out your coupons and start the fun.
2 Free Coupon printable options:
-Download this Printable HERE
-Right click on the coupon image above and print - Read 1John 4:19- We love because He first loved us. Talk about all the ways God loves us and have them share how God has personally showed them. Share with them how you love them in specific ways. For example, I love when you smile, because it lights up the room.
- When filling out your act of love coupon, get creative and think about what that person would enjoy receiving, that can’t be bought in a store. See below for suggestions.
- Each day one family member gets a turn to open up all of their Acts of Love Coupons. You can just hand it to them or place it in V-day gift boxes, tutorial here.
- Also, let the kids know that they can’t write a coupon for something that they can’t do themselves (unless you asked permission to the person helping you out first). For example, your 4 year old can’t write a coupon that says, “I’ll make dinner on 2 days.” He obviously will need help from an adult so he’ll need to ask that adult first for help before he can write that coupon. But it’s best to just limit it to things they can do otherwise you’ll have one tired adult helping all of the kids out.
End with a fun Family Valentines celebration we do a scavenger hunt for the kids and end with them finding their Valentines day treat read about it here.
***Don’t forget to plan something special for your spouse. ***
It’s important that our kids see that we make time for not just them but also for our spouse. At the end of this month a group of mom bloggers and myself will be joining forces to bring you 14 Days of Dating our Husbands. Hopefully, this will encourage you and give you some ideas.
Stay tune for more fun or you can follow us via your favorite social network to get our updates:Twitter,Pinterest or Facebook and our readers preferred way via email.
Feel free to right-click image and cut and paste it into your word document and print out. I think I will have it up all year as a reminder.
Love Coupon ideas for the family
- Stay up late one night.
- Video Game Challenge
- Mom/Dad will make your bed once.
- No chores today.
- Movie and popcorn night.
- Wear my pj’s all day.
- Your choice Family Game.
- A Family Picnic.
- Dessert before dinner.
- Sweet notes for me all day.
- Big bear hug.
- Make Homemade pizza family night.
- Ice Cream Sundae Night
- Morning reading and snuggling time.
- Breakfast in bed.
- Wash the dishes after a meal.
- Family Nerf gun war.
- Breakfast in Bed.
- Dinner of your choice at home.
- Movie Date- Any movie of your choice.
- Foot pampering and massage.
- Rent paddle boats.
- Cook one meal.
- Wash the car.
- Build a fort with the kids and read a book under it or watch a movie.
- Romantic candlelight dinner for 2.
- Card games at the park.
- Ice cream date.
- Make sushi together.
- After dinner night walk w/ flashlights.
- Bike riding and picnic.
- Family Laser Tag.
- Fancy dinner served by kids and spouse.
- Outdoor Movie Night.
- Play date with 2 friends.
- It’s “my day” pass. You call all the shots.
- Indoor Camping.
- Play freeze tag at night.
- Dance party at home. Your music choice.
- Campfire with smores.
- Fondue night.
- I’ll watch a chic flic with you.
- Karaoke party at home.
- Build a fort for ADULTS and watch a movie or read a book together.
- Breakfast for dinner.
- 10 minute massage.
- Saturday morning stay in bed and I will get up with the kids.
- For parents: I’ll bathe the kids so you get 2hrs of free time to use however you wish.
- Play outside for an extra 30minutes
- You don’t have to brush your teeth today. I am totally joking with this one but I’m sure my kids would take me up on this.
Some of these ideas are obviously just for the kids or just for adults but most of them can be tweaked to work for the whole family.
What are some of your fun ideas you do as a couple or family?
More Valentine’s Day Activities
Valentines Day Acts of Love Coupons
Free Valentine’s Day Print I framed ours and placed it on our mantle.
Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt
Meaningful Valentine’s Day Tradition
Love Notes Game using Bible verses
Printable Love notes for your spouse