We’ve had to deal with back to school jitters with my son since he was four. He is outgoing and sociable but when it comes to entering a new environment it fills him with anxiety. This idea is actually great for any situation whether it’s spending a night with a friend or relative or going to a Sunday school class for the first time… pretty much any situation where you’re not around and your child feels anxious or afraid.
If it’s school they are struggling with what has helped us is to read some back to school books to our child. Books that will build their confidence or bring humor into the situation. I’m a contributing writer over on Babble/Disney and I am sharing my Books to Ease Back to School Jitters post here.
We have The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn it’s a great book to read along with this activity. After you’ve read the book stamp your child hands, kiss it and fold it and let them know that on school mornings you will stamp their hand with this heart to remind them that you love them and that there is nothing to be afraid of.
DIY Hand Heart Stamp
5 minute craft
bottle cap
stamp pad
1. Cut out a heart from the foam. I used foam with adhesive on the back.
2. Place the heart on top of the bottle cap. (make sure your cap isn’t huge otherwise it won’t rest right in the palm of their hand.
3. Place foam heart stamp in stamp pad and stamp your child’s hand.
Don’t forget to kiss it and tell them how much you love and believe in them.
Let them know, if at some point during the day they are feeling afraid all they have to do is open the palm of their hand and hold it to their cheek or chest.
Other post you will enjoy:
Easing Back to School Jitters: DIY Heart Stamp (The Kissing Hand book)
Fear Busting Strategies: For Back to School
Back to School Recipes, crafts and more