As a family we’ve always found ways to weave into our Easter celebrations silliness and fun things like the Easter bunny or Easter Egg hunts. But I definitely like to use those things not as an end in itself, but as a means to an end–Christ.
One of the most cherished memories I have is for the past couple of years our family has hosted an Easter Egg Hunt for a home for children nearby. It’s absolutely wonderful to see my kids playing and helping the little ones from the orphanage. We also invite friends to help us host so it’s one big celebration of fun, serving and being Jesus.
12 + Christ-Centered Easter Activities
1. Easter Advent for the Busy Family— Using videos and songs found online. Click here to get all the ideas. We did this a couple of years and absolutely loved how easy it was to enjoy right after our dinner the week leading to Easter. There are some activities that are optional that you can tweak or skip depending on your schedule.
2. Jesus Story Book Bible Advent Calendar–We are currently doing this! It’s a reading plan that you can start at the beginning of Lent or use a week or two before Easter. We started late but we love it! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I truly enjoy the Jesus Story Book bible–many a time I’ve cried reading the simple stories that whisper His name. Since I recently purchased the DVD’s to the bible we sometimes just watch the DVD or do both. You can get the free reading plan printable here.
3. Easter Advent Scavenger Hunt –This is another easy activity that we have done in the past with the kids. It’s simple we just hide one egg and each day the kids take turns finding it. Inside the egg, I put three little candies (for each of my boys) , since we did this right after dinner it served as their dessert and there was a little devotional and…. Go here for the details and free printable.
4. Easter Cross Activity –Help your kids grasp what happened at the cross with this simple family activity. It’s easy to put together and powerful, it even had my toddler pondering a bit deeper. Go here for all of the details.
5. You’ve Been Egged with free printable –Well, you’re probably wondering how can this be Christ centered. Well, by sharing a note and/or a treat with someone in your community, friend or teacher you can brighten their day and remind them of the one who truly loves them. Go here for the free printable and activity.
6. Resurrection Rolls or our Mexican symbolic bread pudding – These yummy treats are sure to satisfy our sweet tooth and our hearts with the message behind them. You can go here for my favorite roll recipe or here for the Mexican bread recipe.
7. Resurrection Eggs –We got our Christ centered Easter started with our fun Family Life Resurrection eggs activity. We loved it! We purchased ours at our local Christian book store but you can sometimes find them at Walmart or Amazon. Or you can go here for a DIY version.
8. Jelly Bean Prayer for Easter –You can find their cute little idea here.
9. Lego Cross –My Lego building little guy is going to love making this. Go here for the details.
10. Easter Garden Craft – So far I like this bloggers Easter Garden the best because it’s easy and I don’t need tons of things to make it.
11. Passover Inspired Easter Dinner –I love this idea but I probably couldn’t ever pull it off. We have some friends that host one every year and we’ve thoroughly have enjoyed participating in it. Go here for the details.
12. Easter Story Wreath – This is a cute idea to have hanging in your home to remind your family about the Easter story. Go here for the details.
13. Read a book. I really enjoyed a series of books that’s out there for children which take you through different bible story adventures. They have one for Christmas that we enjoyed reading called Jotham’s Journey and the one for Easter is called Amon’s Adventure you can see it here.
14. Host a Scavenger Hunt–for your local home for Children or low-income daycare. As I mentioned above it was absolutely an amazing time to see God use our kids in this way.