This Easter Advent activity is set up for busy families who have access to the internet, to use during or after dinner. It includes a song, verse, and activity for 7 days to use during the Easter week.
This is also great for those of us who don’t have the time or desire to make cute little advent calendars that I shared with you here. All you need is a computer and a Bible to help you celebrate Easter all week. But if your kids enjoy activities and your time allows I’ve also added some activities to help bring the stories alive.
Additional: If you have time you can cut each day out and place the strip of paper in an egg and put them in a basket on your dining table.
How to Enjoy our Easter Advent For the Busy Family
It’s as simple as 1-2-3! All you need is your computer, a Bible and a few supplies or you can enjoy it without the supplies and just read the scripture and sing the song.
- After dinner grab your Bible and read the verse for the day and discuss it.
- Then watch the video (some days have two options play one or both) on your computer and if you’d like, enjoy doing the activity that goes with the devotional.
- Feel free to change up the songs or activities to go with your child’s age.
Why did Jesus die on the cross for us?
VERSE: John 3:16 For God so loved the World….. Talk about all the ways we know that God is wild about us. This is also a good time to talk about why Jesus died on the cross for us.
SONG: He’s Wild About Us
ACTIVITY: Play Charades to help the family memorize this verse or other verses like Zeph 3:17 or Romans 5:8. Have 1 child act out the verse and the rest of the family guess.
The people praise and honor Him
VERSE: John 12:12-19 The people came out to meet Jesus riding on a donkey and sang Hosanna. The festivities started with great joy but ended…..
SONG: Ho Ho Ho Hosanna-
ACTIVITY: 1. Mom or dad give donkey rides around the room.
2. Make palm branches from construction paper and tape popsicle stick to the end. On each palm leaf write a way we can honor/praise Jesus.
Wednesday –
He’s a Servant Leader
VERSE: John 13 He came to serve, heal, save….. Discuss who their superhero is and why. How is Jesus our superhero? What are the things Jesus came to do? How we can serve others? What was so great about Jesus washing feet.
SONG: Jesus You’re My Super Hero-
ACTIVITY: Simple option- Wash your kid’s feet.
More time-consuming option: Dip your child’s feet in washable paint and have them do some feet paintings. Then wash their feet in a bucket. My husband did this last year for one of our family devo’s and the kids still remember it and LOVED it!
Play this song during activity: How Great Thou Art
One way but many paths to choose from.
VERSE: Matthew 26:48-49 Judas betrayal. Discuss how we are constantly given choices in life. The importance of choosing right, unlike Judas.
SONG: One Way
ACTIVITY– Give each child a chocolate kiss and enjoy the treat. Talk about how Jesus might have felt by the betrayal. Remind them that each day we have choices to make to either honor God or disobey.
Power in the blood
VERSE: Matthew 27: 29-31, Jn 19:16-22- Discuss what happened at the cross and why it was so important for this to happen.
SONG: Power in the Blood–
Amazing Love–
ACTIVITY: Make a cross with 2 sticks (popsicle sticks or twigs) and hold it together with string/glue or you can make this cross image above using twigs. Another option is this paper cross it doesn’t involve any cutting or crafting or gluing. Or you can bead a cross.
Regardless of how you choose to make your cross discuss how this cross is symbolic of God’s love.
He is always with you
VERSE: Matthew 28:1-4 Discuss how Jesus followers felt now that he was dead? Did they feel alone? sad? Who moved the stone?
SONG: You Never Let Go song - Version for kids song
ACTIVITY: Throw stones/rocks and see who can throw them the farthest. Discuss that for Jesus’ tomb they used a “GINORMOUS” stone that weighed about 100 kilos to cover the cave he was buried in. He was not buried in the same way we usually bury people these days. If you want a craft True Aim shares this quick Easter craft (image above).
End with this song! God is always with us song–
He won the battle!
VERSE: Matthew 28:5-8- Empty tomb – Share the good news with the world, HE IS RISEN! Don’t miss the evidence that God is a promisekeeper found in verse 6–He’s risen, just as He said. Jesus’ death was predicted long before the Romans decided to crucify Him.
SONG: My Redeemer Lives song
SONG: Get up, Get up
ACTIVITY: Make Resurrection Rolls !
I hope you enjoy your week of focusing on Jesus this Easter!!
We have lots of Easter Ideas here.
Fun Spring Food: Carrot Shaped Calzones
Dad’s Easter Stache Basket Printable
Easter Family Activity: DIY Cross
Easter Jokes and Table Conversation Starters Activity
12 + Christ-centered Easter Ideas
Guess what? This year I decided to make a printable kit for you all! The kit is simple and fun and has all of the activities from above and a few extras in — pdf form!
Just join our subscriber list below and you can get the Easter Advent Kit for the Busy Family printable to download immediately!
Stop by and check out our Simple Celebrations Spring Issue 2013 free for your viewing pleasure.