I love looking back and seeing all the fun our family has had this past year. It has been a pleasure to share our family fun with you all. Some of it I must admit didn’t turn out as planned or my kids weren’t as excited about it as I was but in all of it memories were made.
Stay tune for more great articles or you can follow us via your favorite social network to get our updates:Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook and our readers preferred way via email.
These are some of our Best of 2012 post:
Glass Luminaries from Baby Jars
21 Days of Gratitude– It’s never too late to start this with your family.
28 Things Your Family Needs to Hear You Say
DIY Pillow Mats- So fun and so easy!
Be.You.Tiful Mom Series! Articles on nursing, Body image, adoption….
Rolled Paper Flowers craft
DIY No-Sew Tote Bag– Simply Stylish!
Yogurt Bites (no freeze) -Easy to make and yummy!
Embroidered Hand Prints Lovely and simple keepsake
Some more favorites:
Loving Your Man When it Hurts Series
Simple Birthday Celebrations and Traditions
Lovely Handmade Mother’s Day Cards
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Stop by and see what my other great mom blogs are sharing for their best of: